"I'm a high school lover, and you're
my favorite flavor Love is all, all my soul
're my playground love."

Hello, hello, hello. This is not a declaration of love, but I openly admit that I produce that rare feeling of love and horrible little girl. Sometimes I feel so selfish, yes, yes, but I would not mind to be with you. In a Scottish blanket for the cold, and something to watch on TV. Eating. I love your name, I think I told you, and I said three more people, but because it is my favorite time of year. This is killing me slowly, and I live all at ease. I love, or I've loved, and it's nice. The terms do not care, or labels, so you know well. I say no more because I have thirst and needs. . This is not a declaration of love, I repeat, is the first of my steps ...
Come "?
Anytime, anywhere,
're my playground love.