March 2011, Villa Francia, Santiago

Dear friends Dear friends We are pleased to once again communicate with each of you to express our love and our hope that they are well along with their partners, children, family . We hope this year we have experienced terrible not damaged much, they do not exist paralyzed in their decision to live a free life, community, without injustice. We, Manuel, Luisa, Ana Luisa, Tamara Sol, we have remained together helping each other to not falter at such aberration against many of our men, women and men who have been persecuted by this system and are now in dungeons of punishment, but because their way of thinking about life, their way of living life free of any hierarchy has made them dangerous to the rulers of this country. The same with our brethren of the Mapuche people. We refer to the murder of our sons Eduardo and Rafael, because we know that many, many still not clear what happened to final. The miserable truth is that the murderers were convicted. Jorge Marín Jiménez to 10 years and one day, as the perpetrator of the murder of Rafael. Alex Ambler Hinojosa, Francisco Toledo Bridge to sentences of 7 years and one day. Supposedly would be imprisoned in Punta Peuco since September 2010. We as a family are not satisfied with this sentence as untimely and inconsistent with the crimes committed. Depending on the severity of sentences handed down to us, these criminals should be imprisoned for life, but it is not. What rescued this fact is that this decision was reached thanks to the constant fight with all of you gave more than 20 years to get it, besides legal support in solidarity with the human rights lawyers. It comforts us, it gives us strength to keep going, because we know that on 29 March is the young fighters who today are fighting for a dignified life, libertarian, fair. We are with the young rebel, not yielded to the threats and punishments and seeking ways to come up with his voice and strength to denounce the abuse that we are suffering from permanent part of a system designed to crush us and make us disappear. And we announce a new era of struggle and dignity, let us say colleagues, for here is to follow! We will continue supporting and showing solidarity with them, feeding your strength and courage, dignity and love! There is much to do and all the fallen and imprisoned require us to follow, despite the tiredness of body and soul. Take for example what are the sisters who are imprisoned in the COF, they have done a beautiful newsletter in that precinct and that challenge us all that we are outside on the street, "at liberty" to do something, to denounce, to propose not to turn our homes into veritable prison of passivity and conformism.
Comrades, PEGA THERE FOR EVERYONE. We said goodbye to each one of you with a brotherly hug and surely we'll be seeing "in a square, a street, somewhere going .... "
Comrades, PEGA THERE FOR EVERYONE. We said goodbye to each one of you with a brotherly hug and surely we'll be seeing "in a square, a street, somewhere going .... "
PS: I inform people interested in getting the book: "Pablo, Eduardo and Rafael: Presente! Popular Memory Of Collective Action, Historical Reconstruction of the Family Case Vergara, Santiago 1982 - 2008, Nicolas Diaz Barrel, will be available from Tuesday 29 in the tribute act in Las Rejas to April 5 at 19:30 hrs. (Book cost: $ 5.000 .-)