In afternoon Camilo Perez, Pablo Morales, Monica Caballero, Francisco Rodolfo Retamales Solar and were taken to a hearing to review the injunction, which turned out to be just one more processed at this cumbersome process because that the judge even took the time to listen to the defense. Apparently their decision was made in advance. Preventive detention was confirmed for all in a hearing that lasted no more than two hours.
On Tuesday afternoon we were visited by lawyers from the People's Advocate informed about developments and activities in the street between those who emphasized the participation of a group of people in solidarity with prisoners by the "case pumps "in a march to protest hikes in public transport. That same day we delivered to each of the parcel sent by a group of people who were part of the day off prison trying to find out about our situation and this will support an injection of fundamental strength in this time showing that for many solidarity is not an empty word.
Wednesday, as expected, we heard the unpleasant news that Omar Vinicio Hermosilla Aguilera and probation were revoked must immediately re-enter this rotten place. Also as expected both joined from the start to the hunger strike making it clear that standing still unhesitatingly willing to lay down the beats of power.
During this week we have been telling us intimidation of communications made by the inventive Peña fiscal and supportive to people close to us saying that would support the assumption that the early group and would arrest imminent. We believe that the purpose of these sayings is again install the uncertainty and thereby prevent the spread of activities, however, despite the intentions of Mr. Peña, the samples of active solidarity has not stopped. Thus we learn of the progress made on Wednesday evening which was attended by over 200 people whom the threats are far from authorities detained.
On Thursday we received good news, due to the efforts of the popular defense attorneys tried the 8 th to guarantee gendarmerie notify the punishment should be lifted immediately and that, in his arguments, the hunger strike is a right that did not merit punishment one, so we were transferred to the cells until the start of the strike we had intended. Although it represents an achievement within 4 days out of the punishment we intend to remain together all in the same gallery at least until the end of the mobilization.
average during the strike have decreased between 4 and 5 kilos, the forces remain. So-called is to combine the ideas and actions to reveal the hoax created by the prosecutor and police mount media.
not to the antiterrorist law, protected witnesses and legal services!
Freedom for all political prisoners!
Supports, communicates and participates in the march in solidarity with the hunger strike every Wednesday at 19 am from the main square of Santiago.
February 25, 2011.
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