Wednesday, July 9, 2008

1st Period After Birth

Miniquest: Montevideo

SlideShare and develop critical thinking. The mimiquest consists of three parts:
STAGE, which raises an issue or problem to solve;
TASK directs students to Web sites containing the information needed to solve the questions ;
PRODUCT is what kids will do to answer the essential question posed on stage. The following entries appear miniquest with which we work.

Rest Post Refrigerator

Year 4 Miniquest on Climate Change Year 5

What is the legend?
is the story of a wonderful event, which is based on something real but transformed by the popular imagination. The legend of the need for a community to explain something. Through them, explains the creation or transformation of natural elements.

His characters may be animals, gods and humans who have sex with these gods and by which performances are wonderful.
  • Children 3rd. years read and interpreted Indian legends of our world:
  • The legend of the kapok flower.
  • timbó legend.
  • And interpreted some of his characters:

Monday, June 30, 2008

Brochure For Blood Donation

Working with "Miniquest" Legends

A new experience in the blog: make a comment. These days have sought information about the carnival was formerly in our country.
Respond to this question:
What changed things at the carnival today?

How to leave a comment:

Click where it says comments.
  • Write the answer where it says "Make a comment." Remember to use capital letters to start the sentence and point at the end.
Sign your name. Notes

the box that says Anonymous. Ready! You can read what you wrote.

Thus we see the carnival ...

Friday, June 27, 2008

Evinrude 9 5hp Sporttwin


Very sad. But at least serve to raise awareness. We have much to learn from them. Of animals, I say. But the real thing. The others are not qualified, although call themselves "human."

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Electric Pains In The Overies

Carlos Marr had 21 years and first visited the Capital. His father, a municipal employee, got him the "Change" to attend the event to support the presidential couple for 100 pesos, two sandwiches and a soda. But a street lamp that fell on him in the Plaza de Mayo ended his life. Marrara

had traveled with a contingent of two hundred persons, armed with pointers trip Tucuman governor's political José Alperovich. History repeated if there are such acts that fascist megalomaniac, this time, had no more objective than self-esteem try to restore the president into believing the Argentinians and the world that looks on TV that still has some power.

For this, we attempted to paralyze the country and mobilized hundreds of people who, like the young Tucuman, just waiting for a social plan, a sandwich and a soda. And why not visit Buenos Aires. Surely Marra, like so many others who were in the square, did not understand the core of the conflict did not care who is right: if the government or the field. Whatever.

And I wonder, with all humility, why the lady president is not "divorce"-politically, I tell her husband, portfolios Vuitton and French cut suits, forget for a while your hair shake his eyes too full of Rimell, their squeals authoritarian and dresses, a good time with the suit that the people gave him and begins to rule in earnest. No acts, D'Elias, not national chains, without authoritarianism, without agreement with Congress, without inventing investment in hospitals and homes, the Argentines know a lot about this, never be built.

is time, Madame President, that makes use of her ovaries and put to govern. Women, I assure you, we would be grateful if someone can show that our gender gets beyond that is superfluous to what binds us and yet passing into history.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Scientific Name For Dog

  • millions


    The 63 cities and more than five million people joined together 637 million, which means that about 10% of the world's population lives in one of these megacities, or what is the same , they are concentrated in one in ten people on the planet. It highlights 35 cities of more than eight million people in total more than 500 million home. Of these, there are 25 large cities of ten million inhabitants and over: Real megacities! What has happened? From eco-demographic three major processes: high natural growth of human population on the road to the "demographic transition", which means maintaining high birth rates in an urban context that helps to reduce mortality rates flow of rural migrants and urban small towns, seeking opportunities for social, economic, cultural and political concentrated the main town in the early stages of the development (construction workers, technicians, etc.): and a new classification of rural to urban settlements by simply changing the size or the addition of peripheral populations due to the physical expansion urban area (metropolitan area).
    The role of these cities, to say Fuchs, has two faces: one side
    megacities are the engines of economic growth and regional and national centers of technological and cultural creativity. how to feed, provide shelter, or facilitate the mobility of many people, how to collect and process solid waste and provide potable water to the inhabitants in each and every one of these cities? Would be necessary, proposed Fuchs, creative design solutions applicable to this large scale and make them economically, socially and environmentally sustainable. Such a huge task!
    In the absence of planning, which is almost always the usual - rapid urbanization implies: a) reduction of environmental quality in urban air pollution, water and soil, noise, changes microclimates and loss of natural areas; b) severe degradation of the environment surrounding urban areas and ecological systems, through pressure exerted on the resources; c) inadequate public services (transport, water, sanitation , soils, social educational facilities, health) and housing, resulting in health risks and loss of quality of life; d) impacts on the most vulnerable in terms of deficiencies in food, access to water, energy and other basic goods and services, and e) a threat to environmental sustainability. Excerpted and adapted from "Geographical Research, Bulletin of the Institute of Geography, UNAM "

    Saturday, June 14, 2008

    How Long Does Pleursy Take To Resolve

    Excellent production of Marcelo Pensa in MEGAOLOMANIA . I have no desire to comment further on the subject. A picture is worth a thousand words

    Can You Get A Stardoll Giftcard In Au???


    Charly is ill. And this is not new. Charly is sick. Product of their addiction or, certainly, these products of their disease. Whatever. It's also a genius. We admire, we love and highest to that category many of whom today trounced him and even tease him. I very sad to see how some media are treating the subject. As infernal machinery devour his flesh for the benefit of another point of ratting or other copy sold. "The" first. Images of a man torn inside and outside on the front page. Charly
    hinted. He told the screaming, to open unconscious, what was happening. But no one ever knew how to listen as it should listen to the geniuses in the sense that gives the heart.

    Why Is De Autism Ribbon A Puzzel?

    For those who are having a difficult time and believe they can not. The only disability is, as shown, of the soul.

    Thursday, June 5, 2008

    Sample Welcome Messages Wedding


    is what I would ask those who asked me was going I did not write during this time. The truth is that, between work and college, my schedule is, at least "complicated." I promise to put the batteries. Well, at least try.

    Saturday, April 5, 2008

    Is My Pir Sensor Broke If Red Light Stays On?

    3rd. years research on the Carnival

    Why the potato? The celebrations of International Year of the Potato (IYP) sensitize the public about the important role of the pope, and agriculture in general, in addressing global issues such as malnutrition, poverty and the dangers to the environment environment.

    Friday, April 4, 2008

    Ballet Clothes-slow Morden


    I'm not a Peronist. But I have no qualms whatsoever in recognizing my unbounded admiration, to Eva Peron. The woman, in my humble opinion, forever changed the history of female, not only in Argentina but also in the rest of the world. It was not particularly attractive, not-nearly-instruction had not even stood out as an actress, is always one second. But there something in it, in your strength, your personality, its history ... guts?. To quote one of his biographers, Alicia Dujovne Ortiz. Evita did great evil, but also very good. What was at his side Peron and he taught her everything then put into practice? No. No. Not enough. And, for examples, just remember that the General was also next to another woman who tried to cast as Eva-up became "transfer" this spirit with his body, "and ultimately led Argentina to one of its worst catastrophes. Evita what goes beyond that. And much more.
    I had the opportunity to travel around the world. And the relationship is always the same. "Evita Argentina ?...¡!". Never before has a woman had gathered around her many loves and hates. Many, some too close, wanted to imitate. We have more than enough college and political careers, but lack what had Evita: an infinite capacity for understanding the soul and the feeling of the dispossessed. From his greasers, as he liked to call them. I admire
    Eva Peron. And I'm light years away from being a Peronist. But I do so because, beyond the ideolólogías, we must know how to be humble and take your hat off to those who changed the course of history. At least for women.
    Buenos Aires Opens in a new musical about his life (and go ...). It is in the Bauen, with Guillermo Guido and Lidia Barroso. Will join the list of books, films, documentaries. etc. about this wonderful woman who, more than fifty years after his death, still stirs the deepest feelings, even those not even born during his lifetime.

    Wednesday, April 2, 2008

    How To Put Stayfree Pads

    live ...

    say ... "Do not cry for me Argentina ....¡!"

    Wednesday, March 26, 2008

    Free Watch Singles Aubrey Miles


    While the country is discussed in uncertainty. As people who peacefully manifested by streets of the country is constrained by the picketers subjects of government. While the anger and fear of Argentina we thought forgotten again and again. While the housewife asks how and what will feed their families, to increase brutal and commodity shortages. While ... and at the same time, the president received in the Casa Rosada American director Francis Ford Coppola, then exit to the forum after the unfortunate speech on Tuesday.
    Cristina was said to suffer from bipolar disorder. I believe, unequivocally, that the picture is more serious. Autism is absolutely superb and boundless egotism reaching impunity. Whether you have reason the field or the government. It only matters that the latter is deaf and glory of authoritarianism where dialogue does not occur. I made it clear.
    spent just over a hundred days. Nothing more. Nothing less for so many blunders.

    Monday, March 24, 2008

    How Do You Bluetooth Music From A Instinct?


    For life. For freedom. For democracy. A 32 years after the coup. NEVER AGAIN.

    Thursday, March 20, 2008

    Indiana Jones Animated Birthday E Card

    International Year of Planet Earth

    We said goodbye to the year with great excitement and joy.

    Sunday, March 16, 2008

    Ettiquette Welcome To The Wedding Of

    Thursday, March 13, 2008

    Kidney Infection And Sti

    Nevertheless, each dial brings me mad hope, joy absurd

    Nevertheless, all life springs cosasme, I grow roses.

    Still raining stars me, invented a language .....¡ saying I love you!

    A sleep cradles me and I adjust my pillow moon, anyway.

    Still, life is hard, also is a miracle, adventure also

    Yet faith anger out on the road will be your constant.

    Nevertheless, leaving it open to see the sun slips through your door

    no better reason if you find the way to feel alive nonetheless.

    Yet. How sweet warmth! Stalk your steps, lying on the table

    Nevertheless, the magical wonder of a kiss and grow wings on my shoulders.

    Yet. Oh the fantasy! Tejiéndonos dreams of love and poetry, delusional blind, avoiding the mud going forward ...... Yet!

    Nevertheless, I am here putting the birds loose and soul of party

    Yet your laughter and kisses me the puck and the angel of wine and laughter.

    Still, the bread in the square

    Still life so beautiful! Always and above all of all things.



    Women Long Legged Panties


    is only a reflection. A president too preoccupied with Rimell. A power in the shadows. Inflation covertly. Shortages. Uncertainty = Fear. Freedom of the press?. Things have changed and there are other dangers. But again. It's just a reflection. Any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental.

    Sunday, March 9, 2008

    How Many Calories In One Celebration Bounty

    International Year of the Potato 2008

    A holiday for PUBLIC SCHOOL.

    Children in our school, "Juan Zorrilla de San Martín" No. 98, participated, along with schools of the Eastern District, a beautiful tribute to tango.

    The year 6 students danced, accompanied by this presentation with drawings created by them, Tango "Quejas de bandoneon".

    Sunday, February 24, 2008

    How Long Does Planb Last
