Public Enemy was undoubtedly one of the most important groups within global HipHop scene, is a benchmark for many both in his lyrics and actions , are active and carry a clear ideal working on building a movement for social change. This time the translation is from one of his classic "Fight The Power", this issue was part of his third studio album entitled "Fear Of A Black Planet" was released in 1990.
1989! The number of other summer
funky sound of a drum beating music
your heart because I have your soul
Brothers and sisters, listen if they need information
moving around while I'm singing giving
what I'm getting what I was learning as gangs
sudan black and rhythmic rhymes Rulan
have to give us what we want
have to give us what we need
Our freedom of speech is freedom or death
We have to fight the powers that be
Fight the power Fight
power Fight the power Fight the power
Fight the power Fight the power
We have to fight the powers that be
As the rate is designed to move
what counts is that the rhymes are designed to fill your mind
Now you realize that
We pride has come to smash things for us to resist
From the heart, this is a beginning a work of art must
To revolutionize make a change, nothing strange things
People, all people are equal
No, are not equal
Because we do not know the game
What we need is awareness, not having lapses
Questions What's this?
have to leave my people work defensively
"Bum Rush The Show"
You have to go for what you know
Make everybody see, in the fight against the powers that be
Fight the power Fight
power Fight the power Fight the power
Fight the power Fight the power
We have to fight the powers that be
Elvis was a hero to most
But I never meant shit
For you see how racist this castor, providing simple
Motherfucker him and John Wayne
'm black and I'm proud
Done well supported and excited
Most of my heroes do not appear on any label
Take a look back and find nothing but idiots than 400 years if you check
"do not worry be happy" was a No. 1 song
If I say you can stick a smack me right here Let
to make this party started right, so, we
What we have to say
Give Power to the people, not delayed
For everyone else can see
In the fight against the powers that be
against the power Fight the power Fight the power
Fight the power Fight the power Fight the power
We have to fight the powers that be
1989! The number of other summer
funky sound of a drum beating music
your heart because I have your soul
Brothers and sisters, listen if they need information
moving around while I'm singing giving
what I'm getting what I was learning as gangs
sudan black and rhythmic rhymes Rulan
have to give us what we want
have to give us what we need
Our freedom of speech is freedom or death
We have to fight the powers that be
Fight the power Fight
power Fight the power Fight the power
Fight the power Fight the power
We have to fight the powers that be
As the rate is designed to move
what counts is that the rhymes are designed to fill your mind
Now you realize that
We pride has come to smash things for us to resist
From the heart, this is a beginning a work of art must
To revolutionize make a change, nothing strange things
People, all people are equal
No, are not equal
Because we do not know the game
What we need is awareness, not having lapses
Questions What's this?
have to leave my people work defensively
"Bum Rush The Show"
You have to go for what you know
Make everybody see, in the fight against the powers that be
Fight the power Fight
power Fight the power Fight the power
Fight the power Fight the power
We have to fight the powers that be
Elvis was a hero to most
But I never meant shit
For you see how racist this castor, providing simple
Motherfucker him and John Wayne
'm black and I'm proud
Done well supported and excited
Most of my heroes do not appear on any label
Take a look back and find nothing but idiots than 400 years if you check
"do not worry be happy" was a No. 1 song
If I say you can stick a smack me right here Let
to make this party started right, so, we
What we have to say
Give Power to the people, not delayed
For everyone else can see
In the fight against the powers that be
against the power Fight the power Fight the power
Fight the power Fight the power Fight the power
We have to fight the powers that be
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